Air Conditioning Start Up Service On Long Island

Prevent AC breakdowns by scheduling maintenance with Tragar Home Services before summer hits its peak. Our start-up services ensure your system is ready for the season, avoiding potential issues later on. Trust us to keep your AC running smoothly.

Our Air Conditioning Startup Services Include

Inspect outside disconnect box.
Check breaker switch ensure in on position.

Inspect blower wheel and motor.
Inspect filter and replace customer provided filter if needed.

Check refrigerant levels as needed.
Inspect evaporator and condenser coils.

Check condensate pump and operations.
Inspect and clear all drains.

Turn on system, run and check for proper operation.
Measure temperature difference supply and return air.

Check supply and return for proper air flow.
Check thermostat operation.

Our Air Conditioning Startup Services Checklist:

  • Inspect outside disconnect box.
  • Check breaker switch ensure in on position.
  • Inspect blower wheel and motor.
  • Check contactor.
  • Check capacitor.
  • Inspect filter and replace customer-provided filter if needed.
  • Check refrigerant levels as needed.
  • Inspect evaporator and condenser coils
  • Inspect all pipe insulation connected with system.
  • Inspect drain pan.
  • Inspect and clear all drains
  • Check condensate pump and operations.
  • Inspect visible ductwork.
  • Check supply and return for proper air flow.
  • Measure temperature difference supply and return air.
  • Check all duct/registers for proper air flow.
  • Check thermostat operation.
  • Turn on system, run and check for proper operation.

Central Air Conditioning

With over a decade of experience, Tragar’s team are experts in helping your home stay cool in the summer. The efficiency of central air conditioners surpasses wall units. In addition to reduced noise, the unit’s mechanisms are considerably less visible. Your home will be properly sized with measurements done by professionals. Along with optimizing the placement of the ducts, they will make sure you are maximizing the central air conditioning units power along with keeping it cost-effective.

Our Air Conditioning Startup Services Include

Inspect outside disconnect box.
Check breaker switch ensure in on position.

Inspect blower wheel and motor.
Inspect filter and replace customer provided filter if needed.

Check refrigerant levels as needed.
Inspect evaporator and condenser coils.

Check condensate pump and operations.
Inspect and clear all drains.

Turn on system, run and check for proper operation.
Measure temperature difference supply and return air.

Check supply and return for proper air flow.
Check thermostat operation.


Ductless Air Conditioning

Depending upon the type of home you have, ductless air conditioning may be more suitable. We’ll make sure it is the right fit for you as well as making financial sense. A beneficial aspect of a ductless unit is the option to cool individual rooms or zones as opposed to the entire home. You won’t lose the use of your windows and they will be specifically placed in locations where natural light can still enter such as a wall or ceiling. Removing moisture is another advantage since the condensers on a ductless unit act as a dehumidifier. Contact us today so Tragar Home Services will help you stay comfortable all year round.

Air Conditioning Services From Tragar

Tragar Home Services will install your air conditioner, though if you already have an air conditioning unit, it’s in your best interest to schedule a spring check-up. The type of start-up and/or maintenance will depend upon the type of air conditioner you have. Regardless, we’ll make sure the coils on the sides, back, and lower areas of your air conditioner are clean enough for optimal airflow. The trees, debris, dirt, and dust that are in the surrounding area may result in the cooling fins clogging and reduce your energy efficiency. If you’re mowing the yard or weed whacking in the vicinity of your air conditioner, over time you may run into the issue of decreased airflow. Since it may deteriorate over time coupled with the sun hitting it, we’ll make sure the insulation around the refrigerant line is in good shape.